Psychopharmacology & Biological Treatments

Finding the right treatment starts with a thorough diagnostic exam. Individuals often suffer from multiple issues, including problems with anxiety, depression and matters of self-esteem, energy and attention that may be affected by sleep issues, seasonal changes, nutrition and exercise. My expertise includes evaluation and treatment of the many forms of depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, attention deficit, substance abuse, and personality disorders.
Biological treatment almost always involves a combination of approaches including medication, nutritional interventions, exercise, light therapy, meditative activity, breathing exercises, and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can change brain chemistry and function in a lasting way, and I generally suggest that my psychopharmacology patients enter into therapy with me or another therapist.
Under the supervision of Columbia University psychiatrist Richard Brown, MD (How to use Herbs, Nutrients and Yoga in Mental Health Care) I have also developed expertise in complementary psychopharmacology. There are many nutritional supplements such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids (particularly brands high in EPA), Rhodeola Rosea and SAMe (among many others) that can help mood and anxiety. Certain yoga breathing techniques that I teach can offer immediate or long-term relief of anxiety and mood symptoms. And there are also tools such as neurofeedback, the Fisher Wallace cranial stimulator or Alpha Stim which are FDA-approved treatments for sleep, depression and anxiety.
Usually within one or two initial visits, we will draft a comprehensive treatment plan that is suited to each individual's symptoms and needs.
Pharmacotherapy is informed by knowledge of physiology, brain chemistry, and how different medications affect the body and interact. With more than twenty-five years of experience as a psychopharmacologist, I have an extensive knowledge of medications' side effects and interactions, as well as how they are absorbed and metabolized, and how they bind to specific receptors in the brain and body.